My Research
→ Full List of All Published & Working Papers
Current Working Papers
Monopsony and Religious Club Goods: Evidence from Indonesia (with Peter Brummund), under review
Better Stealing Than Dealing: How do Felony Theft Thresholds Impact Crime? (with Stephen Billings, Kevin Schnepel, and Adam Soliman)
Law Enforcement and Crime (recent & selected articles)
Lame Duck Law Enforcement
Econnomics Letters (with Shannon Losak), forthcoming
Firearms and Lynching
Journal of Law and Economics (with Patrick Warren), 2023
The Minimum Wage, EITC, and Criminal Recidivism
Journal of Human Resources (with Amanda Agan), 2023
Local Government Dependence on Criminal Justice Revenue and Emerging Constraints
Annual Review of Criminology (with Shannon Graham), 2021
To Serve and Collect: The Fiscal and Racial Determinants of Law Enforcement
Journal of Legal Studies, 2019 (with Thomas Stratmann and Alex Tabarrok)
Determinants of Traffic Citations: Political Economy at Any Speed
American Economic Review, 2009 (with Thomas Stratmann)
More Tickets, Fewer Accidents: How Cash-Strapped Towns make for Safer Roads
Journal of Law and Economics, 2011 (with Thomas Stratmann)
Club Goods and Religion (selected articles)
Embezzlement, Whistleblowing, and Organizational Structure
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2018 (with Siyu Wang)
Endogenous Group Formation through Unproductive Costs
Review of Economic Studies, 2013, (with Jason Aimone, Laurence Iannaccone, and Jared Rubin)
The Evolution of Power and the Divergence of Cooperative Norms
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2016 (with Paul Smaldino)
A Theory of Liberal Churches
Mathematical Social Sciences 2011
[Full List of All Published & Working Papers]
Policy Proposals and Briefs
Revenue-Motivated Law Enforcement: Evidence, Consequences, and Policy Solutions
POLICY PROPOSAL Arnold Ventures, 2021
A Proposal to End Regressive Taxation Through Law Enforcement
POLICY PROPOSAL 2019-06 The Hamilton Project, The Brookings Institute, 2019
reprinted in Fines, Fees, and Funding of Public Services: A Curriculum for Reform