Voting for Crooks (with Wafa Hakim Orman, Cory Simpkins, and T
Embezzlement, Whistleblowing, and Organizational Structure
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2018 (with Siyu Wang)
Free Riding with Other People’s Money: Contributions to Public Goods by Trustees
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2014 (with Wafa Orman and Sandra Peart)
Endogenous Group Formation through Unproductive Costs
Review of Economic Studies, (2013), Volume 80, Issue 4, pages 1215-1236 (lead article)
(with Jason Aimone, Laurence Iannaccone, and Jared Rubin)
Not as I Do: Hypocrisy Aversion and Optimal Punishment of Common Offenses
Research in Experimental Economics (2021) (with Greg DeAngelo and Bryan McCannon)